troop traders & troop traders 2 clans

Clan Rules



1 - 1000 troop donation minimum per season which is 250 per week. Members marked as new at season end will be excluded from this requirement until the following season. War Castle donations are not tracked and do not count towards this requirement.

2 - Members must maintain a donation to received ratio of at least 50%. This means if you have received 200 donations you must have at least 100 donations. War Castle donations are not tracked and do not count towards this requirement.

3 - War Participation is mandatory and War Plan, Strategy, and War Rules must be followed. Wars schedules vary in each clan so check clan info or ask in clan chat. War Plan and Strategy will vary between the clans and also from war to war, war plan will be posted in clan messages each war and must be followed.

4 - Unless approved by the leader members must meet minimum clan requirements of Crystal League, non rushed base with a Townhall 7 or higher, 100 war stars, and 5000 lifetime troop donations.

5 - Donation requests should be honored at all times unless an agreement for alternate troops is reached in clan chat. Those who donate wrong troops will be warned once and then kicked if it happens again.

6 - Goblins and Wall Breakers are NEVER to be donated unless they are requested. Violation of this rule will result in being immediately kicked from the clan.

7 - Members who leave and rejoin during the season or at season end to hide donations/ratios will be kicked.

8 - Elder status is not given, it is earned. Do not ask for Elder. See Elder requirements to see how to become and remain an Elder.

9 - CoLeader status is not given or earned by set requirements. CoLeader status is given at the sole discretion of the Clan Leader based upon time, trust, and loyalty to the clan.

10 - Be Respectful at all times, if a disagreement arises it should be brought to the attention of the Clan Leader or a Co-Leader for resolution.

11 - Members must follow direction of Elders, Co-Leaders, and/or the Leader at all times.


1 - 2000 troop donation minimum per season (500 per week) earns and maintains Elder status. War Castle donations are not tracked and do not count towards this requirement.

2 - Elders must abide by all members rules and Elder Rules, Requirements, and Expectations to maintain Elder status.

3 - Elders are expected to assist in regulating the clan as well as assisting members as needed.

4 - Elders are expected to show respect to members at all times and only use their ability to kick members for valid reasons in accordance with clan rules. Abuse of power will result in loss of Elder status and/or removal from the clan. 

5 - Elders must respect and follow the direction given by any Co-Leader or Leader.


Congrats! If you are a CoLeader that means you have earned a special status due to your contributions to the clan over a time tested period and earned the trust of the Clan and its leadership. This means you are not bound by the same rules as everyone else on a season to season basis but are expected to lead by example as you always have and by meeting these guidelines and expectations.

1 - Take an active role in governing the clan, enforcing the rules, assisting in clan chat as needed. 

2 - Take ownership in the clan and any issues or problems that may arise, as a Co-Leader this clan is as much yours now as it is mine. That is why Co-Leader status is not given lightly.

3 - You do not need permission to take matters into your own hands, you have the authority to make decisions including kicking people and demoting elders.

4 - If you need to be away or inactive for awhile just let the Leader and other Co-Leaders know, you have proven and earned your position and are not subject to being kicked or demoted under season to season requirements. You will only be kicked or demoted if you do something to lose the respect and position you have earned by doing something extreme or being inactive for a long period of time without notice to the rest of the Clan Leadership.

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